Sometimes, one question is enough to trigger a lifelong transformation...
A Story of Faith
Here's a beautiful story of faith and surrender from the magnificent epic, the Mahabharata.
Are you Hurting Life?
A beautiful story of compassion and love that has some deep insight to make our lives worthwhile.
The Balloon of Happiness
Here's how to be happy in this day and age. It's philosophical yet not far from the truth.
The Most Difficult Emotion
A beautiful story from the life of Buddha gives a profound message of mastering the most difficult emotion.
Dealing with Stress
A man was never stressed and this intrigued his neighbors. Read the story for more.
How to Make Someone Happy
Making someone happy is like lighting a candle. You don't lose a thing and the light increases anyway.
How To Forget Someone
Memories can be like black holes: deep and mysterious. To forget someone you've got to go past the memories.
Why do People Get Bored?
Boredom becomes peace when you are content and unaffected by non-action.
What Provokes You?
When provoked, it's so easy to lose your sense of judgment. Mindfulness is the antidote to provocation.
What is Beautiful?
Beneath beauty lies a sense of connection. Whatever you can connect with, you will find beautiful.
Saying Yes to Life
A life of peace and meaning is far more precious than an exquisite symbol of death. Now is the time to live.
Do You Compare Yourself?
The world wants you to be a trained donkey like others, like themselves in fact. They will if you let them. Be yourself.
Do you Ignore Yourself?
A dying tree can offer neither shade nor fruit. You'll crumble eventually if you continue to ignore yourself.
It Hurts More When Cold
Coldness turns soft snow into hard ice, brittle and cold. When you are cold inside, it hurts more, you become more fragile.